Foods that Balance Estrogen

 Hormonal spikes can cause so many issues, here are done foods that when added to your diet net balance you're hormones. Usually a week before my cycle there is a spike in estrogen that causes a myriad of issues for me. For the past few months, I decided to eat certain foods around that time in abundance and so far they seem to have made quite an improvement in my body. We need to eat goods that help the liver metabolize estrogen 

Cabbage - For one month I ate cabbage every day, I ate steamed cabbage every day for 10 days before the beginning of my cycle. I had no high estrogen-related symptoms. Cabbage contains a high level of phytochemicals that may block excessive estrogen production 

All cruciferous foods like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage are foods that contain sulfur compounds that detoxify a sluggish liver. So add these vegetables  to your diet. Managing estrogen can prevent so many other diseases like breast cancer and heart disease.


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