Managing Anxiety Herbally

 Anxiety... whew, many of us who have never experienced the  anxiety in the past might be feeling weird lately. Stuck in traffic your heart starts racing and you are wondering if you are having a cardiac event. Or do you suddenly feel dizzy and unable to catch your breath? Once you know that these feelings are related to anxiety what do you?  This pandemic has triggered so many mental issues, panic attacks are more common than one may think. 

Some herbs may help to balance out the chemicals in our bodies during times of stress. I honestly don’t know enough about edibles/CBD to suggest what would help. But I am going to try them soon and share. But here are a few of the items that have made a difference for me and the people that I have suggested them to.

Ashwagandha- may help to reduce cortisol. Ashwagandha may alleviate depression and may reduce anxiety and insomnia. But it may also lower blood sugar.

Valerian Root - is one of my favorites. It can improve sleep and reduce anxiety 

Chamomile- may help with sleep and relaxation 

Lemon Balm may reduce stress

 Scullcap  -may reduce stress, may cause drowsiness 

Add  Vitamin  A, Vitamin D, and magnesium

These herbs have other benefits but they may also interact with other medications. So please consult with your physician. 


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