What are the Benefits of Eating Raw Purple and Green Cabbage?

What are the Benefits of Eating Raw Purple and Green Cabbage?

What are the Benefits of Eating Raw Purple and Green Cabbage?

What Are the Benefits of Eating Raw Cabbage?

  • It is packed with Potassium and Vitamin C, two very important health-boosters for the body.
  • It protects the body from free radicals that are harmful to the cell membranes.

  • Lowers the incidence of cancer
  • Builds muscle, cleans off the waste from the blood and promotes eye health
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Contains a substance that stimulates production of antioxidant enzymes
  • Remember to keep eating cabbage at 2 servings a week because it can impede the production of Iodine.

Benefits of Purple Cabbage

  • Purple-colored vegetables and fruits like purple cabbage offers a phytonutrient called anthocyanin that wards off diseases.
  • It can prevent risks of heart disease, some types of cancer and diabetes
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that would fight degenerative illnesses.
  • It contains more than 30 types of antioxidants.
  • It helps build healthy brain and heart.

Benefits of Raw Cabbage

  • It helps to hasten healing of bleeding gums and improve weak immune systems.
  • It can help the recovery process for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It regulates cholesterol levels.
  • Heated cabbage leaves can ease joint pains and arthritis.
  • It provides fiber, which is greatly needed for proper digestion and decrease chances of intestinal diseases, indigestion, loss of appetite and skin diseases.
  • It serves as good treatment of varicose veins and leg ulcers.
Quick Cabbage Facts:
  • Cabbage is known as the “first of all the vegetables.”
  • Cabbage is a dietary staple all over the world.
  • Cabbages are one of the few vegetables that are available at all times of the year.
  • There are three main varieties that cabbages have: green, red, and savory cabbages.
  • Cabbages that have worm holes should be avoided.
  • In order to tell if the cabbage is sweet, one should smell the core of the cabbage.
  • Cabbages should be refrigerated and kept from at least 7 to 14 days.
  • The crispier the cabbage is, the more nutritious it is.
  • The odors of cabbages maybe contained if a piece of bread is placed on top of the cabbage as it is being cooked.
  • In order to keep the color of red cabbages, a tablespoon of some white vinegar poured into cooking water should help.


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