Homemade moisturizer

Homemade Moisturizers: Prepare Yourself

Moisturizer is a lotion, which keeps the skin moisturized, supple and smooth. It also helps to remove makeup from skin. Moisturizer is an essential for any type of skin and for protecting the upper layer of skin from air. There are many moisturizers available in the market. But there are many recipes available to make them at home using natural products. These are simple recipes and easy to prepare at homemade moisturizers.

Homemade Moisturizers

Wheat Germ Oil Moisture Cream

Take 3 Tbsp of wheat germ oil, 3 tbsp of honey, one oz of rosewater, witch hazel and glycerin each. Blend all the ingredients completely to make a cream. Store it in airtight jar for further use.

Protein Moisturizer from egg

Beat one egg and add one cup of milk to it. Beat them well to form a paste. Pour into an airtight bottle and refrigerate it.

Aloe Vera moisturizer

Mix equal quantities of aloe Vera and mineral water and heat till it forms a cream. When it cools, store in an airtight jar.

Almond moisturizer

1. This is not a preparation but a little procedure, which is very helpful to keep normal skin moisturized. Take few drops of almond oil on palm and mix with few drops of distilled water. Rub and apply on the face for effective results.
2. Take 2 tbsp of olive oil and 2 tbsp of ground almond oil. Mix them both and apply on neck and face for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with water. For dry skin, it is a very good moisturizer.

Moisture mask

Mix 2 tbsp of milk with 2 tbsp of honey to make a paste. Apply on the face and neck and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Peaches Moisturizing Lotion

Take one ripe peach, peel and mash it. Now squeeze out its juice by straining. Mix an equal quantity of fresh cream and blend well. Keep it in refrigerator.

Moisturizer from natural oils

Take one tablespoon each of olive oil, vegetable oil and coconut oil, few drops of vitamin E, 2 tbsp of mashed strawberries. Mix all the oils and apply the mixture on the face and neck. Wash it off with lukewarm water after ten minutes.

Sour Cream Moisturizer

Mix ½ mashed banana with 2 tbsp of sour cream and one tbsp of honey. Mix it to form a paste. Apply it on the face and allow it to set for 15 minutes. This is an effective moisturizer for normal skin.

Yogurt Moisturizer

Take 3 tbsp of yogurt, one tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp honey and white of one egg. Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply it on the face and neck and wash it after 20 minutes.

Moisturizer from rose petals

Take ¼ cup of rose petals, 1 tbsp of rose hips, ½ cup hot water, one tbsp of cocoa butter, ½ cup almond oil, one tbsp of grated beeswax, one tbsp of liquid vitamin E and few drops of essential oil of rose.

Put rose petals and hips in a bowl and crush them with wooden spatula. Pour hot water in it and allow it to rest fro 12 hours. Use a double boiler to melt beeswax and cocoa butter by stirring it. Add almond oil to it and remove from heat. Let it cool and then mix rose liquid, rose essential oil and vitamin E to it. Store it in the airtight jar for long use.

Water Melon Moisturizer

Take the one slice of watermelon and pour juice of one lemon over it. Cool it in fridge for 22 minutes. Now take out the watermelon slice from the fridge and cut into bits. Place these bits over your face. This procedure will moisturize your skin and help in reducing the body temperature. It will give your skin a smooth look.

Glycerin Moisturizer

Take 2 parts of rose water and one part of glycerin and mix them to make a lotion. Apply it daily before bedtime.

Lanolin Moisturizer

Take one tablespoon of lanolin, 1and ½ tbsp of almond oil, one vitamin E capsule and 2 tbsp of almond oil. Pour almond oil and lanolin in a double boiler pan and heat them. Add the contents of vitamin E capsule and cold water. Blend the ingredients very well. Now the moisturizer is ready to apply on the face and neck.


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