Jamaican Bush Teas pt I

I love teas , this is the best way to get nutrients and relax at the same time here are a few I wish to share with you

Cerasse Tea

is believed to be a blood cleanser and sugar control agent for diabetes.

Black Mint Tea

Soothes the nerves and ease nausea
Pepper Mint Tea

Pepper Mint is an old stand by. Peppermint helps with digestion as well as feelings of light headiness.

Ginger Tea

Ginger aids in digestion and nausea but do you know that ginger and turmeric can help with body aches or arthritis

Sour sop Leaf Tea

 However the leaves from the tree are used to make tea for such ailments as diabetes and nerves problems. it helps with sleeping problems

BissyTea (Kola Nut)

Bizzy is what all Jamaicans grow up and use to remove mild poisons from the body

Lemongrass/Fever grass- aids digestion, calms nervous disorders and in the treatment of high blood pressure

Cinnamon - an anti inflammatory helps with blood pressure, diabetes and lowers cholesterol

is known for its anti-inflammatory properties

Remember when the body is balanced it will show


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  2. What about green tea?isn't that good too?I am trying tulsi tea and it refreshens the system.Keeps me away from cold and cough.


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