Benefits of Mint (Pudina)
Benefits of Mint (Pudina) Benefits of Mint (Pudina) Health Care Pudina leaves are also known as mint leaves. Mint originates from a Greek word mentha and contains menthol. It is known for emitting a distinct aroma. Mint has got numerous benefits as it has both cosmetic and medicinal properties. Mint is an essential ingredient in many of the Indian cuisine and is one of the oldest herbs used for garnishing and flavouring as it adds a pleasant aroma to the food. Both fresh and dry mint is used in a large number of recipes and mostly it is used in making tangy chutneys. Mint is renowned for curing upset stomachs and helps in soothing the digestive tract. Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes, cleanses the stomach and also clears up skin disorders such as acne. In China it is mainly used to combat spasms. Women suffering from morning sickness are often advised to add lime juice, ginger juice and honey to the mint decoction and have it twice a day for ge...